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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


Supreme Court Won’t Expedite ACA Challenge

1 minute read

This past December, a federal appeals court ruled that the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate is unconstitutional due to the elimination of the individual mandate penalty in 2019....


PCORI Fees Reinstated

1 minute read

A recent federal spending bill has extended the PCORI fees for an additional 10 years. These fees will continue to apply for the 2020-2029 fiscal years. PCORI fees were scheduled to...


Civil Penalty Amounts Increase

1 minute read

The Department of Labor (DOL) adjusted its civil penalty amounts for inflation each year. The DOL may assess these penalties on employers that violate federal laws that the DOL enforces...


New Bill Repeals Certain ACA Taxes and Fees

1 minute read

President Trump signed a spending bill into law. The bill prevents a government shutdown and repeals three fees and taxes under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). They include:


Overtime Exemption Salary Threshold Increased

1 minute read

Please note that this article only applies to the state of Washington. 

Washington amended its wage and hour laws to increase the salary threshold that white collar employees must...


Individual Mandate is Ruled Unconstitutional

1.5 minute read

A federal appeals court ruled that the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate is unconstitutional due to the elimination of the individual mandate penalty in 2019. The individual...


Update Made to Regular Rate Calculation

1 minute read

The Department of Labor announced a new final rule which clarifies how to calculate an employee’s regular wage rate under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The final rule will be...


Hospitals Sue Over Transparency Rule

1 minute read

Four large hospital groups have filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration to challenge the final rule which would require them to disclose their pricing information including...


Final Forms for 2019 ACA Reporting

1.5 minute read

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released the final forms and instructions for 2019 reporting under Sections 6055 and 6056.


IRS Provides Employers with Some 2019 ACA Reporting Transition Relief

1 minute read

The IRS recently issued Notice 2019-63 which makes some changes to 2019 ACA reporting.