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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


PCORI Fee Increased

.5 minute read

According to Notice 2020-84, the IRS is raising the fee that insurers or self-insured health plan sponsors will pay in 2021 for PCORI fees. The fee will be $2.66 per plan enrollee, up...

New COBRA Subsidy Provisions

1.5 minute read

Part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides a 100% subsidy of premiums for employer-sponsored group health insurance under COBRA. COBRA requires group health plans to allow...

American Rescue Plan Signed into Law

2 minute read

President Joe Biden recently signed a $1.9 trillion relief bill, called the American Rescue Plan. Highlights of the bill include direct checks to individuals, extended unemployment...

Guidance for 2020 Employer Retention Credit

1.5 minute read

The Internal Revenue Service has issued guidance for employers claiming the 2020 employer retention tax credit. The tax credit is part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic...

COVID-19 Test and Vaccine Coverage FAQs Clarified

1.5 minute read

The Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and the Treasury issued new FAQ guidance to help clarify health coverage requirements related to COVID-19.

Employee Benefit Plans COVID-19 Relief Guidance

2 minute read

The Department of Labor issued Disaster Relief Notice 2021-01. It gives guidance on the duration of the COVID-19 related relief regarding certain employee benefit plan deadlines during...

Workplace COVID-19 Vaccination Program Guidance

Revised April 20, 2021

2.5 minute read

Although vaccine programs are not yet available to many employers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided some guidance regarding...

CDC’s Operational Strategy for Reopening Schools

1.5 minute read

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued their operational strategy for reopening schools for those districts who haven’t open yet or are moving from a hybrid to...


Paid Military Service Leave

.5 minute read

In a recent court case, it was ruled that employees who take off for military duty may be entitled to paid leave from their employers. United Airlines was sued for failing to provide...


Department of Labor Issues FLSA Opinion Letters

5.5 minute read

The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued nine opinion letters which clarify how the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) applies to various employment situations.