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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers

2018 IRS Contribution Limits

Download the new 2018 IRS Contribution Limits Guide. This handy reference for public sector organizations highlights the contribution limits for your HSA, HRA, FSA, retirement plans, and more.


WI Public Sector employers no longer offer domestic partner benefits

Due to the legalization of same-sex marriage, Wisconsin has made some big changes regarding domestic partnership in their recently passed 2017-2019 state budget.


NEW: 2018 ACA Open Enrollment Checklist

Public sector employers: New Affordable Care Act (ACA) changes will affect your health insurance for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. It’s time to review your plan to make sure you...


COMPLIANCE UPDATE: Don’t Forget to Do This When Filing Your 2017 Tax Return

The Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate requires individuals to have health insurance coverage or pay a penalty. It is enforced each year on the individual’s federal tax return.


President Wants ACA Cost-Sharing Payments to End

On October 12, the White House announced that it will no longer reimburse health insurance carriers for ACA’s cost-sharing reductions made available through the health insurance marketplace...


The President’s New Executive Order: How Does it Affect ACA?

President Trump signed an executive order to begin dismantling the Affordable Care Act (ACA), after Congress’ failure to repeal it earlier this year. The order, signed on October 12, 2017, is...


Update: Final Forms for 2017 ACA Reporting

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released the final 2017 ACA reporting forms under IRS Code Sections 6055 and 6056.


Graham-Cassidy Healthcare Bill Fails

The Republican’s last-ditch effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has failed. They had until September 30 to fast-track a healthcare bill, needing 50 votes to pass and they could only afford...

On-site Clinics, HSA Eligibility, and IRS Guidance

Due to the potential tax savings to an individual who uses an HSA (Health Savings Account), federal law imposes strict eligibility requirements for HSA eligibility/contributions. To establish an HSA...


Republicans Make Last Ditch Effort to Repeal ACA

Republicans have until September 30 (the end of the government’s fiscal year) to get a healthcare bill approved before their fast-tracking rule expires (preventing Democrats from blocking the bill)....