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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


Senate Releases Revised Health Care Bill


On Thursday, the Senate released a revised version of their health care bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA). The initial bill, released in late June, was projected not to...

PCORI Fees Due July 31 for Self-Insured Schools, Cities and Counties

Schools, cities and counties with self-insured health plans must report and pay their PCORI fees by July 31, 2017.

The Generational Divide: Millennials and Health Insurance

Millennial workers (defined as born 1977-2000) view and use health benefits very differently than their baby boomer (1946-1965) and gen X (1966-1976) colleagues.


Senate Releases Revised Health Care Bill: Better Care Reconciliation Act

As you know, the American Health Care Act (AHCA) was introduced March 6, 2017 as the bill that would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The U.S. House of Representatives voted on and...


What IA Benefit Administrators Can Learn from the Aftermath of WI’s Act 10

Iowa’s House File 291, passed in March 2017, limits public worker’s collective bargaining and negotiating rights. This puts Iowa’s public workers and employers onto a new playing field when it comes...


Millennials in School, City, and County Jobs

As baby boomers retire, vacant spots will be filled by the next generation of workers – millennials. It is projected that millennials will be 50% of the labor force by 2020 and 75% by 2025. This...

3 Tips for Developing Your Open Enrollment Strategy

Due to our changing healthcare climate this year (with ACA and AHCA), this year’s open enrollment strategy needs to be different. Here are three tips for developing your strategy.

ER vs. Urgent Care: Help Employees Make Informed Decisions

When sudden injury or sickness strikes, do your employees know whether they should visit an urgent care clinic or the emergency room? Teaching employees how to choose the proper level of care will...

How to Add Value to Your Benefit Package Without Adding Cost

Do you make a lump sum payment upon retirement for your employees’ unused sick leave, vacation pay or other early-retirement incentives? If you do, there is a way to increase the value of the benefit...


NIS Wins EcSell Institute’s 2017 Coaching Team of the Year Award

National Insurance Services (NIS) was recently recognized as EcSell Institute’s 2017 Coaching Team of the Year at their annual sales coaching summit. NIS was recognized for their excellence in...