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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


IRS Electronic Filing Requirement Expanded

1 minute read

The IRS released a final rule which expands the requirement to file certain information electronically. This includes the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) reporting requirements under...

Humana to Exit from Employer-Sponsored Medical Insurance Coverage

.5 minute read

Health insurance company, Humana Inc., has announced that they will stop providing employer-sponsored medical insurance coverage. This includes fully insured, self-funded, and Federal...

Study Shows Consolidated Health Systems Fail

1 minute read

Consolidated health systems deliver a large proportion of the medical care in the United States. A new study suggests that consolidated health systems provide slightly better care than...

2023 Voluntary Benefit Trends

2.5 minute read

Voluntary benefits can be a great way for employers to round out their benefits package. They are beneficial to employees and their families, and many come with little to no cost to...


Driving Action with Communications

2 minute read

It's important for employers to have a clear communications strategy when discussing benefits with employees. Communication should take place throughout the year, not just at enrollment...

Cross Generation Benefit Communications

2.5 minute read

There is no one size fits all approach to talking benefits with employees. As workforces become more diverse, it's now more important than ever to know your audience. Employers are...

Loss of Medicaid Eligibility Increases HIPAA Special Enrollment Requests

1.5 minute read

Starting April 1, 2023, states that maintained continuous Medicaid enrollment during the COVID-19 pandemic can start terminating coverage for those individuals who are no longer...

Record Number of Americans Delayed Medical Care in 2022

1 minute read

A record number of Americans postponed medical care in 2022 according to the annual Gallup poll. Thirty-eight percent of respondents stated that they or a family member postponed care...

Fixing the Family Glitch in Premium Tax Eligibility

2 minute read

Last year, the IRS released a final rule that changed the eligibility rules for the premium tax credit (PTC) for family members beginning with the 2023 tax year. The credit lowers the...

COVID-19 Emergency Period Ending – The Impact to Your Health Plan

1 minute read

The COVID-19 national emergency and public health emergency (PHE) is scheduled to end on May 11, 2023. Employer-sponsored health plans will no longer have to follow these health plan...