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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers

Scott Fritz

Scott Fritz always has a willingness to help others, which has made him an ideal candidate for working in the public sector benefits arena throughout his career. He’s a team player and enjoys strategizing, problem solving, and finding effective cost-saving solutions for his clients. As an Employee Benefits Consultant, Scott is responsible for the overall assessment and management of an employer’s benefit plans. He is a licensed insurance agent and works with public sector organizations in Michigan and North Carolina.

Recent Articles by Scott Fritz

Mandatory Electronic Filing for ACA Returns Deadline: April 1, 2024

2.5 minute read

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires certain employers to electronically report health plan coverage to the IRS under Code Sections 6055 and 6056. A recent law change mandates...

Model CHIP Notice Updated

1 minute read

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), through its Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) released a new model Employer CHIP Notice.

ACA Reporting Deadlines

3 minute read

Employers subject to ACA reporting must comply with reporting deadlines in early 2024 for the 2023 calendar year. They must furnish statements to individuals by March 1, 2024, and file...

2023 Year-End Employee Benefit Plan Checklist

1 minute read

As we approach the end of the year, it's important for employers to stay on top of compliance requirements for their employee benefit plans. There are several tasks related to benefits...


Price Comparison Transparency Tool Expanded for 2024

1.5 minute read

In 2024, group health plans and issuers must expand their internet-based price comparison tool for enrollees, participants, and beneficiaries. It will need to include all covered...

2024 ACA Compliance Checklist

3.5 minute read

Public sector organizations with group health plans should be aware of changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements that take effect in 2024.

It’s Time for Early Preparation for 2024 Open Enrollment

3 minute read

The first part of 2023 was a roller coaster ride for employers, with a record number of employees quitting, a rise in talent shortages, and increased workplace demands from employees....

ACA’s Cost-sharing Limit and No Surprises Act FAQs

1.5 minute read

Frequently asked questions were recently issued regarding the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) overall cost-sharing limit and the No Surprises Act’s (NSA) protections against surprise...

Important Information for HDHPs Regarding COVID-19 and Preventive Care

2.5 minute read

The IRS recently issued Notice 2023-37, providing updated guidance for high deductible health plans (HDHPs) regarding COVID-19 testing and treatment expenses, as well as clarifying...


The Latest Trends in Workplace Ageism

1.5 minute read

While older workers may be more knowledgeable and experienced, employers tend to overlook them in favor of younger, less experienced workers. Despite laws to protect older workers,...