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6 million enrolled in exchanges, White House says

Fueled by a last-minute surge in enrollments, 6 million Americans have secured health insurance benefits through the federal and state exchanges, according to new numbers released by the White House.

President Barack Obama, during his overseas visit to Europe for the G8 convention, announced that 6 million Americans have signed up for private health insurance through the marketplaces implemented by the federal government and state legislatures. This puts the total sign-ups approximately 1 million enrollees short of what the administration aimed for in October when the exchanges were rolled out.

Individuals without insurance have until midnight on March 31 to secure a health plan. However, as The Washington Post recently reported, individuals who have signed up for coverage but have not completed the process will be given two extra weeks to sign up without having to pay a penalty.

It remains unclear how aggressively the $95 penalty will be enforced, however, according to The New York Times. Additionally, the amount charged, if any, largely depends on what individuals' financial circumstances are. For instance, among uninsured adults earning a gross income of $10,150 per year or less, they may be able to avoid the fine entirely.

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Accessibility to meds often restricted for exchange plans, study suggests
March 31, 2014
Unfair to apply differing ACA deadlines, consumers say
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Valerie Ortiz

Valerie Ortiz

Over the past 20 years, Valerie Ortiz has worn many hats at National Insurance Services. She currently heads up NIS’ Marketing Team where she helps to create and execute employee benefit communications based upon our public sector clients’ needs. Valerie brings order to the chaos and has a zeal for detail and a talent for organization.