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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


The Importance of Keeping Your Beneficiary Information Up-to-Date

1 min read

Revised December 2023

Tom was a beloved coach at the local high school and his sudden death was a surprise to all. Everyone’s thoughts turned to his wife of 2 years, Nancy, who always...


Educating your Employees on their Disability Insurance Plan

Employees don’t always understand the value of their benefits, until they have to use them. Such was the case for a Pennsylvania school business official who found out he had cancer and had to rely...


Spring Cleaning Task – Review Your Covered Dependents to Ensure Eligibility

Many school, city and county employers offer dependent coverage on their Life, Vision, Medical or Dental Insurance. Employees and dependents are added onto the plan and terminated periodically...


Understanding Life Insurance Conversion & Portability

2.5 minute read

Updated August 28, 2024

Many schools, cities, and counties offer a Conversion and/or Portability feature within their group life insurance plan. This allows employees to transition...


Using In-network Dentists Can Help Keep Health Insurance Costs Low

Research has linked good oral health and overall health. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke and adverse pregnancy...


What the 9/11 Commission Had to Say about Life Insurance Coverage

A topic no one wants to consider. Our own death. When the unexpected happens, how will your family survive if your income is no longer coming in? How will they pay the mortgage, funeral expenses,...


Does Imputed Income Affect Your Contributory Life Insurance Plan?

Most school, city and county employers are familiar with the imputed income rules when it relates to group term life insurance. Employers can provide their employees with up to $50,000 of group term...


Switching Life or Disability Carriers? What Employers Should Double-Check

Revised December 2023

4 min read

It is inevitable that at some point in time, schools, cities and counties will have to switch life/disability insurance carriers in order to get better rates, a...


3 Things to Look for in Your Life Insurance Renewal

A life insurance renewal is like buying a new car. Cost is always a determining factor in making your final selection. But you may also take into consideration things such as safety ratings, options...


Have You Reviewed Your Maximum Covered Salary Lately? Why It’s a Must!

The Maximum Annual Covered Salary (MACS) on your disability insurance plan is the highest salary the insurance carrier has contractually agreed to insure. In other words, if the MACS is $50,000 but...