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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


NH announces partnership with Washington for benefits exchange

On Wednesday, New Hampshire legislators approved Governor Maggie Hassan's decision to create a health insurance exchange in partnership with the federal government. 

Hassan sent a letter to...


MI legislators review health exchange proposals

Michigan lawmakers are reviewing a report on the state's progress in creating a healthcare benefits exchange in partnership with the federal government.

The exchange is expected to help 500,000 state...


HHS approves IL health exchange blueprint

On Wednesday, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the conditional approval of Illinois' health exchange blueprint. 

Illinois is the third state to...


IA moves ahead with benefits exchange plans

The deadline to submit a blueprint for a health exchange is days away, and lawmakers still face a series of uncertainties surrounding the topic.

Previously, Governor Terry Brandstad announced Iowa...


VA cuts employee work hours to avoid ACA costs

Virginia lawmakers are grappling to find a solution to an Affordable Care Act requirement that mandates large employers offer healthcare coverage to part-time workers.

Under the federal regulation,...


Determine Your PPACA Compliance Deadline for Fiscal Year (Non-Calendar) Health Plan

In January of 2013, the Department of Labor announced “transition relief” for employers with non-calendar fiscal year health plans. This is welcome news to many school districts and other local...


New Safe Harbors for Determining Affordability

The “affordability” of Health Insurance coverage offered by a large employer (50 or more employees) is a key point in complying with PPACA mandates. The IRS recently issued a notice confirming two...


Patients Who are More Active in Their Healthcare Drive Down Costs

When patients play a larger role in their healthcare, they can cut medical costs for themselves and their employers. Being more active means more than just taking preventative measures to avoid...


Specialty drugs bring about high costs for employers

Only a small amount of the population uses specialty medications, but the cost of these drugs has grown between 15 and 20 percent in the last few years and accounted for all drug expenditures in...


Only 11 states have implemented crucial ACA reforms

Just 11 states have taken steps to implement rules set forth by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to protect health insurance consumers, according to a report by the Commonwealth Fund.

The nonpartisan...