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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


Latest regulations surrounding health insurance mandates

At the end of January, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Treasury issued a set of proposed rules to guide proper implementation of the Affordable Care Act's mandates in 2014.



Mandate Exemptions

Retiree-Only Plans are Exempt from the Following Mandates:


OSU overhauls healthcare strategy

Aimed at lessening employees' medical expenses, improving healthcare and cutting expenses, Ohio State University is implementing large changes to its health insurance system.

In 2012, the school's...


MI received health exchange grant

Last week, Michigan was given $30.6 million by the federal government to build and operate its health insurance exchange, according to The Detroit News.

The Department of Health and Human Services...


How to Avoid PPACA Penalties on Retiree Health Insurance

In our last issue of PPACA Watch newsletter, we brought you information about non-discrimination rules that may soon come into play. The new rules extend legislation that prohibited self-funded plans...


March Deadline Extended! Providing Employees with “Notice of Exchange”

The Department of Health and Human Services issued detailed regulations on the establishment of Exchanges, but their directives did not cover specific details about the “Notice of Exchange” that all...


March Deadline Extended! Providing Employees with “Notice of Exchange”

The Department of Health and Human Services issued detailed regulations on the establishment of Exchanges, but their directives did not cover specific details about the “Notice of Exchange” that all...


Substitute Teachers in Schools: How to Handle the PPACA Mandate

Updated December 2023

2.5 min read

A major ACA mandate that will affects schools districts nationwide is the requirement for large employers to provide health coverage to all full-time employees. In...


FL grapples with ACA changes to employee healthcare

As state lawmakers confront changes mandated by the Affordable Care Act, Florida faces a potential penalty of more than $300 million if it doesn't alter its health insurance provisions for state...


MN legislation addresses health exchange

Last week, Minnesota lawmakers unveiled preliminary plans for the state health insurance exchange. In addition, related legislation was presented to multiple committees for approval.