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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


IRS Extends Due Dates for ACA Reporting Under Sections 6055 and 6056

On Monday (Dec. 28th, 2015), the U.S. Treasury and Internal Revenue Services extended the due dates for the 2015 Forms 1094 and 1095 for two months. Small to medium sized organizations will file...


President Obama OFFICIALLY Signs a Bill to delay Cadillac Tax

IT’S OFFICIAL, on Monday (Dec.21, 2015), President Barack Obama signed the bill that would delay the implementation of the Cadillac Tax from 2018 to 2020.


House passes Cadillac Tax Delay

Early Wednesday (Dec. 16th) morning, the House of Representatives passed legislation that would postpone the Cadillac Tax until 2020, which was supposed to take effect in 2018. Since the passage of...


President Signs Bill to Halt ACA Small Group Employer Definition Change

On October 7, 2015, President Obama signed a bill which stops the ACA small group employer definition from changing. The definition was going to expand the number of employees in a small group from...


ACA Expands Small Group Employer Definition

Next year, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will be changing its definition of small group employer. Currently, an employer with 1-50 employees is considered a small group. As of January 1, 2016, the...


Takeaways from King v. Burwell Supreme Court Ruling for Employers

On June 25, 2015, the Supreme Court issued a final ruling in King v. Burwell. This case challenged the availability of subsidies in federally-run Health Insurance Exchanges (i.e. Health Insurance...


Hospital operators see revenue increases with more ACA patients

With the second quarter earnings figures coming in for major hospital operators, figures show that earnings were up for two companies that saw a growth in patients from the Affordable Care Act (ACA),...


Government sets maximum penalty for not purchasing health insurance

Americans who don't receive health insurance benefits from their employers and then don't buy coverage on either the federal or state marketplaces are required under the Affordable Care Act to pay a...


Affordable Care Act still has hurdles to jump

While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has shown some signs of success in its initial year, Drew Altman, president of Kaiser Family Foundation, explained the process of getting more people to sign up...


Study: ACA enrollment reaches 10.3 million

A new report from the New England Journal of Medicine was released on July 23 that showed insurance coverage for the Affordable Care Act had reached about 10.3 million Americans since the first...