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Subsidies in FL average $3,000

The open enrollment deadline for health insurance will soon pass, and many Florida residents who have already signed up for insurance benefits have received tax credits to cover premiums, according to a new study.

The study, conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation, found the vast majority of Florida residents (90 percent) qualified for tax credits, with the subsidy for each Floridian averaging $3,000. According to the study, 83 percent of those who enroll in plans through the federal and state-run marketplaces nationwide qualify for tax credits, making Florida's 90 percent eligibility at the top of the pack. 

According to Health News Florida, there are specific requirements for eligibility that enrollees need to reach before they can actually receive the tax credits. However, the study found only 1 in 4 eligible Floridians had signed up for insurance benefits through the exchange website by March 1. 

"While Florida officials haven't exactly embraced Obamacare, people are signing up in large numbers in the state and receiving significant financial assistance with their insurance premiums," Larry Levitt, co-author of the report, told Health News Florida.

Many Florida residents are opposed to the healthcare reform law. An op-ed in the Florida Courier suggested Floridians take advantage of the exchanges and the benefits they offer. 

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New deadline for people who've encountered sign-up problems
March 31, 2014
Accessibility to meds often restricted for exchange plans, study suggests
March 31, 2014
Valerie Ortiz

Valerie Ortiz

Over the past 20 years, Valerie Ortiz has worn many hats at National Insurance Services. She currently heads up NIS’ Marketing Team where she helps to create and execute employee benefit communications based upon our public sector clients’ needs. Valerie brings order to the chaos and has a zeal for detail and a talent for organization.