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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers

Nicole Miller

When it comes to employee benefits, Nicole Miller is a good person to have on your side. She’s worked in the insurance industry since 2004 and has experience working on both the insurance carrier/agency side. Her customers find her to be dependable, detail-oriented, and highly skilled at simplifying the complex. As an Account Manager, Nicole works with Michigan public sector organizations on their employee benefits, benefit communication, and wellness plans. She helps employees and employers answer policy-related questions, resolve employee claim issues with carriers, and assists with employee or insurance committee meetings.

Recent Articles by Nicole Miller

ACA Reporting Penalties Increase for 2024

1 minute read

The IRS released updated penalty amounts for those who don’t comply with the Affordable Care Act’s requirements under Internal Revenue Code Sections 6055 and 6066. The increased amounts...

Insured Adults Face Challenges in Accessing Mental Health Care

1 minute read

Amid a shortage of mental health care professionals, many patients are struggling to find mental health care services. A recent survey found that nearly 43% of insured adults who rated...


Employers Embracing Hybrid Work

1 minute read

A recent survey found that 71% of U.S. employers have hybrid work arrangements in 2023, with only 16% requiring in-person work. However, some companies have embraced hybrid work for the...


Employee Benefit Trends for 2023

2.5 minute read

Current labor changes are making employers find ways to balance the rising costs and inflation while providing employees with benefits they value and need. Understanding this year’s...

Average Hospital Stay Costs Doubled

1.5 minute read

Hospital stays are becoming more expensive for Americans, leaving some with a large amount of medical debt. According to the personal finance website ValuePenguin, U.S. workers making...

Creating an Inflation-proof Benefits Package

2.5 minute read

As the U.S. economy faces the real possibility of an upcoming recession, employers are becoming increasingly concerned about inflation’s impact on their employees. Many employers are...

How Inflation Will Impact Open Enrollment

3 minute read

The 2023 open enrollment may be more challenging than usual. With many employees feeling the financial strain of inflation, it could impact the choices they make when it comes to...

Deferred Medical Care and Mitigating Costs

4 minute read

During 2020 and 2021, approximately 41% of people deferred medical care due to concerns related to the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Now, many...

Tips on Choosing the Right Third-Party Administrator

2.5 minute read

Finding the right third-party administrator (TPA) can be challenging. Many organizations use a TPA to outsource their administrative and operational services. This is quite popular...


ADA and the Use of Artificial Intelligence

1.5 minute read

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have issued new guidance about how employers’ use of artificial intelligence (AI) and other...