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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


Insurance agents want to help federal insurance exchange website

Insurance agents around the country say they feel helpless to assist their clients in obtaining coverage through a Healthcare.gov plan while also earning their commissions due to the structure of the...


Healthcare.gov back end issues still complicate enrollment

Ten days after the Obama administration's self-imposed deadline of Nov. 30 to fix technical glitches disrupting the Affordable Care Act's website Healthcare.gov, customers assert problems still...


FL company promotes workers to comply with ACA

As deadlines near for companies to "play or pay," a term coined by media organizations to describe the penalties associated with a business's failure to comply with Affordable Care Act provisions,...


PA healthcare enrollee figures grow

Health insurance numbers rose by more than 10,000 in Pennsylvania during November through the Healthcare.gov website, according to Daily Local Business. Insurers in the state expect figures to...


NC state-run exchange numbers rising

Federal officials announced North Carolina is one of the states seeing enrollment figures for the Affordable Care Act boost as residents seek coverage before the Dec. 23 deadline, according to the...


More than 15,000 Healthcare.gov submissions lost

Technical issues associated with the Affordable Care Act's federal insurance exchange website may be nearing an end, but not before 15,000 user submissions were lost in translation, according to The...


ACA enrollment faster in state exchanges than Healthcare.gov

Despite contentious technical issues surrounding state and federal Affordable Care Act exchange sites, the Obama administration announced more than 365,000 Americans have sought coverage through the...


ACA's religious exemptions still being worked out

As it stand now, The Affordable Care Act contains certain provisions, such as administering benefits to same-sex partners and mandating that companies offer contraception options for female...


State-run exchanges also experience enrollment errors

Many of the 14 states who opted to bypass using the federal government's Healthcare.gov site are now experiencing similar technical issues of their own, according to Reason. 

The success rate of the...


MD experiences insurance exchange woes

Maryland is among the newest states to experience troubles related to their state-run health insurance exchange, according to The Associated Press. After 14 states assured the federal government they...