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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


NJ health insurance companies to decide fate of canceled policies

Insurance regulators in New Jersey announced Nov. 26 that companies will have the power to decide the fate of thousands of customer health care policies. Many policyholders canceled under the...


Healthcare.gov looking for new CEO

Democrats from Capitol Hill have asked President Obama to begin looking for the next Jeff Zients, current CEO of the widely criticized Healthcare.gov website, according to Politico.  

Zients is...


Healthcare in KY "going well"

As part of the nation is engaged in discussions on the technological fumble that was the Affordable Care Act's rollout, residents of Kentucky have been acquiring insurance policies smoothly,...


Public workers may take advantage of exchanges

With the launch of the federal and state health insurance marketplaces, public sector workers have additional insurance options - and Kaiser Health News suggests many will take advantage of the...


New insurance campaign asks citizens to listen to their mothers

A new insurance campaign for the Affordable Care Act is trying to boost enrollment numbers by appealing to the ultimate source of familial wisdom: Mothers, according to the New York Times. 



PA to offer health care outreach program

A new nonprofit group, Enroll America, has partnered with the Obama administration to assist citizens in becoming more informed and educated on new Affordable Care Act healthcare provisions,...


More traffic to health insurance exchanges likely in December

The challenge is on to debug the HealthCare.gov insurance exchange website by the end of November, according to National Public Radio. 

Not only did federal officials promise the government...


Many Americans unaffected by proposed policy glitch fixes

Many Americans have found even a week after President Barack Obama's push for insurers to fix and renew outdated health insurance policies, they have not been affected by the proposed changes.



Lawmakers will shop for insurance benefits on exchanges

With changes coming to Congress and their aides health plans at the beginning of the year, lawmakers and some of their employees will receive personal experience with the exchanges.

The Affordable...


State-run insurance exchanges seeing momentum

As states begin looking at options to run their own online insurance exchange programs, many who have implemented a customer portal to acquire policies have seen success so far. 

In Maryland, more...