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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


Poll: Americans largely unaware major provisions of ACA are in motion

While the vast majority of the Affordable Care Act rules governing how insurance benefits are to be made available to consumers are now in effect, few Americans are aware of this fact, according to...


CBO clarifies controversial statements from latest report

After a highly publicized report from the Congressional Budget Office indicated that insurance benefits gained through the Affordable Care Act may have adverse consequences on the average worker, the...


Enrollments edge higher in January, HHS numbers reveal

In January alone, there was a more than 50 percent uptick in the number of people who secured insurance benefits through the exchanges, new government data suggests.

Enrollment in the federal and...


Universal coverage won't be realized for some time, report finds

Though the goal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act may be to provide insurance benefits to everyone, it will likely be a "long process" before that goal is reached, according to the ...


Employer Mandate Delayed For Employers with 50-100 Employees

For those employers with 50-100 full-time employees (who work at least 30 hours per week), the IRS and Treasury Department have postponed the ACA pay or play mandate until 2016.


Study: Most states implementing 'major' aspects of ACA

With approximately 3 million Americans having some form of insurance benefits as a result of the Affordable Care Act, according to government data, states have taken a variety of different steps to...


ACA affecting substitute teacher usage nationwide

Insurance benefits are a topic of discussion in many school districts today, as there's considerable debate about whether substitute teachers will be used more regularly as a result of the Affordable...


Report: Healthcare exchanges provide affordable benefits

A new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers found health plans offered on the federal- and state-run health insurance exchanges offer good deals to consumers. 

According to news source Marketplace,...


Senate republicans offer new healthcare plan

Three Republican senators have proposed an alternative to the Affordable Care Act, according to Associated Press special correspondent David Espo. The proposal, put forth by Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch,...


Knowledge and support of ACA low for uninsured

Lack of understanding and awareness of the Affordable Care Act is leading many individuals to lose support for the healthcare law, The Washington Post recently reported.

Citing a study conducted by...