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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


Options preferred before price among insurance customers, poll finds

When it comes to whether individuals would rather pay more for insurance benefits with many care options or save costs with less-inclusive plans, most prefer the more expensive arrangement than a...


Latest total on how many secured private ACA health plans

Nearly 1 million more Americans have secured insurance benefits through the federal or state-based exchanges since early February, according to new enrollment figures.

Marilyn Tavenner, administrator...


MD health exchange needs major overhaul

Maryland is one of the states that has experienced the most issues with its insurance marketplace. The situation has gotten so bad the state's health exchange board fired its central IT contractor...


Tax deadline may cause enrollment numbers to swell

With the March 31 deadline for purchasing insurance little more than a month away, individuals who don't have insurance benefits have a limited amount of time to secure a health policy without being...


Exchange enrollment varies between states, study finds

Just over a month away from the deadline in which consumers must secure insurance benefits without incurring a penalty, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services confirmed 3.3 million people...


Healthcare providers generally supportive of ACA, new poll finds

Once the Affordable Care Act is fully established, the insurance benefits that the reform law helps provide will be advantageous for the average American consumer, according to a recent survey of...


Report: Health status, not age, most crucial aspect of ACA

Young people, once considered a fundamental part to the Affordable Care Act's viability, may not be as integral to the health reform law's ultimate success after all, according to the results of a...


Proactive Planning – How Strategy Will Help Cost Containment

Revised October 2022

3 min read

Health Insurance costs continually rise – it’s like a runaway train with no end in sight. School districts and other local governmental employers need to begin looking...


Retiree Health Insurance Interview Series, Part 3: The Long-Term Transition to HRAs for School Districts and Early Retirees

Keeping early retirees on the school district’s group health plans can be expensive for the retiree, the district and consequently, current employees (overall premiums increase with retirees as...


The Long-Term Transition to HRAs for Schools and Early Retirees

Keeping early retirees on the school district’s group health plans can be expensive for the retiree, the district and consequently, current employees (overall premiums increase with retirees as...