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FDA Panel Recommends Moderna Booster for Vulnerable Individuals

FDA Panel Recommends Moderna Booster for Vulnerable Individuals

1.5 minute read

Recently, an independent panel of vaccine experts recommended the Moderna booster shots to those who are at high risk of contracting COVID-19. This includes people over the age of 65, younger adults with health issues, and those with occupational exposure to COVID-19.

This nonbinding panel advises the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and encouraged half-dose Moderna vaccine shots for those who previously received that vaccine. The FDA usually follows the panel’s endorsement guidance, recently making the same recommendation regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

The latest recommendation is for the vulnerable populations only. There is no current evidence to suggest that most Americans need a booster shot at this time. The FDA has only reviewed Pfizer and Moderna booster shots. The panel is expected to review Johnson & Johnson soon.

Individuals should continue to monitor the FDA for updates. Download the bulletin for more details.

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This blog is intended to be a compilation of information and resources pulled from federal, state, and local agencies. This is not intended to be legal advice. For up to the minute information and guidance on COVID-19, please follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and your local health organizations.

National Insurance Services is not a law firm and no opinion, suggestion, or recommendation of the firm or its employees shall constitute legal advice. Readers are advised to consult with their own attorney for a determination of their legal rights, responsibilities and liabilities, including the interpretation of any statute or regulation, or its application to the readers’ business activities.

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Erin Woulfe

Erin Woulfe

Erin Woulfe likes to write about things that matter. Keeping her finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the public sector world, she blogs about the latest legislative news and employee benefit trends that affect our school, city and county clients. She’s been with NIS since 2002. “I love connecting to our clients and providing them with the tools they need in order to administrate their plan,” says Erin. “Whether that be materials to educate their employees on certain benefits, how to effectively communicate change within an organization, or providing tips and how-to’s to help them make their job easier.”