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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers

Nancy Bushard

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Nancy Bushard is a firm believer that hard work pays off. True success to her is about providing efficient service and valuable solutions while continually building, refining, and doing the work. Her organized, motivated, and friendly demeanor makes her a great advocate for her customers. As an Account Manager, Nancy works with public sector organizations in Minnesota on their health insurance, wellness plans, benefit communication and retirement incentives. She oversees new client implementation and meets directly with clients to explain their benefits. Nancy has a strong background in customer service and risk analysis and has been working with employee benefits since 2004.

Recent Articles by Nancy Bushard


Executive Orders Signed to Reduce Drug Prices

1.5 minute read

President Trump recently signed four executive orders aimed at lowering drug prices. This topic has been a long-standing campaign promise of his administration. The executive orders...

3 Ways Employers Can Support Employees’ Mental Health

3 minute read

Mental health can be defined as how a person feels, thinks, acts, as well as their emotional and social well-being. Mental health can change over time, depending on factors such as...

Proposed Family Leave Laws

2 minute read

According to The New York Times, the United States is the only industrialized country that does not guarantee paid family leave. Many employees must take unpaid leave when it comes to...

Do Your Employees Know Their Total Compensation?

It is common for employees to be unaware of the dollar value of their benefit package, especially when they are feeling the effects of the healthcare crisis. A total compensation statement can help...


Using In-network Dentists Can Help Keep Health Insurance Costs Low

Research has linked good oral health and overall health. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke and adverse pregnancy...