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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


NE governor chooses federal exchange, cites costs and control

This month, Nebraska governor Dave Heineman announced his decision to let the federal government run the state's benefits exchange in 2014.

Nebraska is among 16 other states that defaulted to a...


PA running out of time on health exchange decision

As the federal government has extended the deadline, Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett has only two weeks left to decide if the state will set up its own benefits exchange or leave the task to the...


OH puts health exchange in federal government's hands

Last week, state officials notified the Obama administration Ohio will not set up its own health insurance exchange, leaving the job to the federal government.

Governor John Kasich's press secretary...


States receives extension on healthcare exchange decision, no hints for PA

Among other states that haven't yet filed their decision, Pennsylvania received a one-month extension to notify the federal government of whether it will organize its own benefits exchange.


WI Gov. to announce benefits exchange decision

Gov. Scott Walker has until Friday to announce whether Wisconsin will establish its own state-run health insurance exchange or accept the federal government's system.

This week, Walker has been...


MN prepares for benefits exchange, considers public-private governing body

In anticipation of the state's first nationwide health insurance exchange, Minnesota officials are submitting plans to the federal government Friday, which is the deadline for states that expect to...


Health plans prepare for insurance benefits exchanges

A recent study shows that in response to the individual health insurance mandate, many health insurance leaders are preparing or implementing plans to participate in health insurance exchanges. The...


Small group plans set the tone

As each state is making the final decisions on what essential benefits will be provided to workers through the mandated health insurance exchanges, many trends are becoming apparent.

Each state is...


Increase in benefits costs in FL

The Employer Health Benefits Survey revealed the majority of public employees will see an increase in their health insurance costs next year - an average of 4 percent in Florida. While it may seem...


Will insurance exchanges eliminate employer-sponsored coverage?

In a recent blog piece for Bloomberg, Sara Hansard spoke with Paul Keckley and Paul Lamdin from Deloitte Consulting on the residual effects state health insurance exchanges may have. Both consultants...