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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers

Valerie Ortiz

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Over the past 20 years, Valerie Ortiz has worn many hats at National Insurance Services. She currently heads up NIS’ Marketing Team where she helps to create and execute employee benefit communications based upon our public sector clients’ needs. Valerie brings order to the chaos and has a zeal for detail and a talent for organization.

Recent Articles by Valerie Ortiz


1 million in FL enrolled in health insurance benefits

Despite the federal marketplace's numerous technical issues, the Obama administration recently announced 1 million people in Florida signed up for health insurance benefits through the site,...


Insurers question the 8 million sign-up figure

Health insurance carriers that had plans on the federal and state marketplaces have come forward to say most of their enrollees have paid their first premiums, but that there may be duplicate signups...


Need to sign up for insurance benefits? You have few options

With the open enrollment period to sign up for health insurance benefits through the federal and state exchanges now largely over, many Americans have few options if they missed enrolling for health...


Poll finds more Americans now have health insurance

A Gallup poll found only 13.4 percent of Americans didn't have health insurance in April, a 5 point drop from 2013's peak. However, Reuters reported other research has also surfaced that examined the...


Could the ACA end employer-provided health insurance benefits?

More than 8 million Americans received health insurance through the federal and state marketplaces. According to USA Today, President Barack Obama recently expressed his optimism about the success of...


HealthCare.gov remains under construction

The first open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act is now wrapped up, but while the federal insurance website looks to be up and running, contractors continue to work on it in the...


CMS wants to make it harder to become a navigator

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently proposed to put more restrictions on navigators of the federal and state health insurance exchanges, according to Modern Healthcare.

CMS is...


Study: Health plan cancelations under ACA may have been unavoidable

Some have blamed the Affordable Care Act for the recent cancelations of nongroup health insurance plans, but a new study highlighted that these are just normal parts of the insurance benefits market.


Census survey adjustments could skew health insurance data

While there are many studies emerging on how many Americans signed up for health insurance benefits through the federal and state-run marketplaces, past research into health insurance demographics...


Survey: More than half of Americans opposed to ACA

According to a new Gallup poll, only 43 percent of Americans support the Affordable Care Act, with the majority of people disapproving of the healthcare reform legislation's impact on health...