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Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers


Census survey adjustments could skew health insurance data

While there are many studies emerging on how many Americans signed up for health insurance benefits through the federal and state-run marketplaces, past research into health insurance demographics...


Survey: More than half of Americans opposed to ACA

According to a new Gallup poll, only 43 percent of Americans support the Affordable Care Act, with the majority of people disapproving of the healthcare reform legislation's impact on health...


Americans didn't see another extension to enroll in insurance benefits

President Barack Obama's administration said on April 15 that Americans who didn't sign up for insurance benefits by midnight that day would not be able to do so until the next open enrollment...


Consider Self‐Funding as an ACA strategy

With the introduction of Affordable Care Act (ACA) regulations and the steady increase of healthcare costs, it’s becoming more difficult to save money and control costs. Self-funding your Health...


MD's failed insurance exchange will be reconstructed

Maryland is one of the states that faced numerous technical difficulties with its health insurance exchange website's roll out. However, The Washington Post reported Gov. Martin O'Malley recently...


New KY budget plan will benefit state workers

Teachers, school district administrative staff and Kentucky employees could receive pay raises and see a fully funded state pension system under Gov. Steve Beshear's newly passed state budget plan.



More than half of enrollees will pay their insurance premiums in ND

With the open enrollment period for insurance benefits now past, states and insurers are now looking at how many people will actually finish their enrollment by paying their first premiums. According...


KS pushes to be exempt from health law

The Kansas state Senate recently approved a bill that allows the state to enter into a compact with numerous other states. The compact of states is pushing to be excused from the federal healthcare...


House changes ACA's definition of full-time work

One of the issues public and private sector employers have struggled with is the definition of full-time work in the Affordable Care Act. According to The Washington Post, the House of...


MNsure hits enrollment goal, CEO expected to comment

Minnesota's state insurance exchange MNsure experienced numerous issues since its roll out last October, but was able to exceed its sign-up goal within the open enrollment period.

According to the...