Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers

When is the ACA deadline? Most Americans aren't sure

Written by Valerie Ortiz | Jan 30, 2014 10:36:08 AM

The deadline for consumers to sign up for health insurance coverage as mandated by the Affordable Care Act is rapidly approaching. As of March 31, individuals will face a penalty if they haven't enrolled through either their employer or the heath exchanges set up by state or federal governments. However, a recent survey conducted by finance firm Bankrate.com found that more than half of Americans are unaware of when the deadline actually is.

The survey found that misinformation is occurring on multiple levels. As many as a quarter of survey respondents believe the deadline passed on Jan. 1, while another 11 percent think the last day to sign up for coverage is on Dec. 31, 2014. Still, a significant number of Americans believe the date will be extended, as has been the case for past deadlines. Roughly 60 percent believe this will be the case, but experts urge consumers to take advantage of the time they have now to enroll for health insurance coverage. 

The most uninformed age group, according to the survey, are individuals between ages 18 and 29, a key demographic. It's important to note those who miss this year's deadline will have to wait until next year's open enrollment period to sign up for health coverage.