While many states are still deciding how they'll implement healthcare exchanges mandated by the Affordable Care Act, Missouri is stepping up to the task of educating employers and individuals across the state about the upcoming reforms.
Under the terms of the federal legislation, U.S. residents and businesses must be able to purchase health insurance on a state-based online marketplace beginning in 2014. As the enrollment date for these exchanges approaches, millions of people across the country are still unaware of the implications of healthcare reforms and don't fully understand how the benefits exchanges will work. To remedy this problem, the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry is holding seminars throughout the state to explain important information to healthcare decision-makers, local governments and employers.
According to the organization's website, seminars are being held next week in St. Louis, Kansas City and Springfield.
At a recent seminar in Cape Giradeau, Policy Analyst Thomas McAuliffe from the Missouri Foundation for Health stated that whether people agree with the ACA, the mandates are "here to stay," and they better adjust to them.
McAuliffe told The Southeastern Missourian much of these educational events consist of dispelling myths and clearing up confusions about healthcare reform.
National Insurance Services can provide employers with educational resources to help them fully understand the ACA and make informed decisions when it comes to administering employee benefits.