Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers

Many Americans vow support for healthcare reform

Written by Valerie Ortiz | Aug 29, 2013 1:37:49 PM

With state health insurance exchange marketplaces set to be implemented in a little over a month, a new study found young Americans are embracing healthcare reform.

According to Newsmax, an independent news source, a recent survey by the nonpartisan Commonwealth Fund found many young employees are invested in receiving affordable healthcare coverage. The source reported insurance price is the main challenge many young adults are facing when it comes to finding coverage. The study estimated large numbers of Americans between 19 and 29 years old - whether they are public or private workers and can receive employer-sponsored care -  will enroll in the state exchanges.

In fact, many Americans are showing their support for the viability of healthcare reform, with a recent town hall meeting in Florida seeing residents disagree about healthcare reform. According to the Miami Herald, approximately 500 people attended a town hall meeting in Tampa and protesters gathered outside to show their views on the healthcare law. 

With the Affordable Care Act (ACA) still set to be implemented, and the insurance exchanges about to roll out, Americans may continue to disagree about the legislation and health insurance may remain a hot topic of conversation.