Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers

KY lawmakers look to embrace the ACA

Written by Valerie Ortiz | Sep 9, 2013 6:13:06 PM

Although Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-K.Y.) opposes the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many Democratic lawmakers in the state are actively promoting the upcoming health insurance exchanges and the legislation. 

According to Politico, Kentucky is one of the only southern states that is embracing the ACA, with Gov. Steve Beshear making the successful implementation of the legislation a primary concern before he leaves office in 2015. Both of Kentucky's senators oppose the ACA, saying the state is unable to financially support the legislation. Yet, Sen. McConnell said he understands many aspects of the ACA are no longer able to be repealed, according to local news station WYMT.

WYMT reported Sen. McConnell recently stated not even a government shutdown will be able to stop the ACA from coming into full effect. Despite McConnell and the other senator, Rand Paul (R-K.Y.), are focused on keeping health insurance premiums at a minimum, both stayed silent while Gov. Beshear hailed the benefits of the act at a recent breakfast and auction.

Kentucky is set to embrace the ACA and to promote the opportunities it presents to public and private employers alike. Although many lawmakers in the state still oppose the legislation, Kentucky is already one of the top southern states to support the legislation.