Employee Benefit News for School, City and County Employers

Knowledge and support of ACA low for uninsured

Written by Valerie Ortiz | Jan 31, 2014 10:37:21 AM

Lack of understanding and awareness of the Affordable Care Act is leading many individuals to lose support for the healthcare law, The Washington Post recently reported.

Citing a study conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation, The Post indicated many Americans without insurance are unaware of the subsidies and various benefits afforded to them through the ACA. In fact, 53 percent of uninsured individuals don't know that insurance companies aren't allowed to deny coverage to people with preexisting conditions. Most people without health insurance - nearly 80 percent - were aware of the fact that they'll be forced to pay a fee if they haven't signed up for coverage by the federally mandated deadline.

In Kentucky, the results of a survey performed by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky reflected similar findings. According to the study, just 30 percent of state residents had a positive view of the ACA. At the same time, nearly 70 percent of uninsured Kentuckians weren't knowledgeable enough about the healthcare law to make an informed decision about it.

"Lots of work needs to be done to educate Kentuckians, especially those who are uninsured, about the law's provisions and impacts on families throughout the Commonwealth," explained Susan Zepeda, president of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.